Some believe that math is only used to solve complicated equations and calculations. In reality, it is the universal language used in almost every aspect of our lives. It is very common to follow basic mathematical concepts all the time. You would be surprised to see how they would develop in unexpected situations.
Although many think of math as an academic subject, it’s also instrumental in the real world. In most cases, it’s used the same way elementary, and middle school math is taught. For instance, it can compare prices, calculate square footage, and balance a budget.
Here are a few real-world examples of math in everyday life.
Setting a Budget
We often encounter questions like “How much should I spend today?” and “When will I be able to buy a new car?” These thoughts usually come to mind when we think about finances. We typically use math to answer these questions and create a budget. It is because, in most cases, we can use simple mathematical concepts to create a budget.
Construction Work
Construction work is all about math. A lot of the calculations and planning processes involved in a project are based on math. If you’re not convinced that math is essential in the construction industry, ask a construction worker or contractor. They will tell you that it is crucial to use it.
The recipe for a cup of sugar calls for two tablespoons. You only have a small amount of sugar and a soup spoon. The recipe calls for 3/4 cups, but you only have a half-cup measuring tool and a quarter-cup measuring cup. Even though you may know the answer, it’s because of your knowledge of fractions, conversions, and math.
The calculations involved in operating a car or motorcycle are often complex. For instance, if I’m going to be driving to work, I need to know how many miles I can drive in a given hour. Is it possible to get to my destination on time even though my speed has slowed?
These are all straightforward math questions that are easily answered with a basic understanding of the concepts. However, it’s also possible to account for them on your own. This can be a good thing because it allows you to keep track of time management.